Christian, Inspirational

A Race To Be Won

Have you heard Jesus did it all, it is finished, you don’t need to do anything for your salvation?

Jesus completed his race. He lived an Holy life teaching us to follow him and the Heavenly Father. He was scourged and died on the cross as the final sacrifice for our sins.

What about our race? Do we have to do anything to be cleansed in Jesus’ blood? Do we have to do anything to make it to Heaven?

If you accept Jesus as Messiah, you need to repent and be baptized (submerged in water) in the name of Jesus for the remission or forgiveness of sins in your life till that point. Acts 2:38 After baptism forgiveness of sin can be covered in love and by confession. James 5:20, 1 Peter 4:8, 1 John 1:9.

This is at the heart of the race assigned to us all: Preach the truth to others – Mark 16:15-16, Keep the Commandments – Romans 2:13, John 14:15, Ecclesiastes 12:13, Love one another – John 13:34.

As Paul hoped to finish his race well, 2 Timothy 4:7-8, so do we. Jesus completed his life and work proclaiming, “It is finished”, while on the cross, but our race as we follow him is yet to be won!


It Is Written

There is a principle that I stand by, God will not go against his word. If you hear or see something that tells you to go against the Holy Bible you should know that that influence is not of God.

I know no woman is called to preach or teach in the Church. How do I know this?

1 Corinthians 14:34-35 KJV
Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. [35] And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

I know Jesus didn’t cover his head to pray with a tallit. How do I know this?

1 Corinthians 11:4 KJV
Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head.

If you know the written word you will know the truth well enough to try what you hear and see.

Christian, Inspirational

We Can’t Begin This Way

Can you build a healthy relationship starting with a lie?

Today’s teachers say it’s not about religion it’s all about relationship. But the honest truth is Christianity is a religion. It is your relationship with God. Do you keep his Commandments? Do you read the Bible, attend Church, sing praises unto him? These are all acts of a healthy relationship with Jesus that are parts of a healthy Christian faith.

Telling millenials and Gen Z it’s about relationship not religion and that God loves unconditionally may gain more followers. It’s what they like to hear. It’s what they need to hear. But can you build a solid, strong relationship with our God based on a lie?

Isn’t it enough to ask millennials or anyone to follow the Lord Jesus, be baptized for the remission of sins, and teach them how to walk in the light? Preach John 3:16 and teach the whole gospel. God’s love is incredible, but it’s not unconditional. Heaven and Hell are both real. They are eventualities to how you live your life, i.e. how strong was your relationship with Jesus.

Once you’ve introduced someone to the love of God tell them how you live out your religion. Tell them about your own relationship with Jehovah, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

Let the foundation be truth and the fruit Holy.
