
A Closer Walk

It’s not about going to Church. It’s not about following a set of rules. It’s about having that personal relationship with Christ as our Lord and Savior.

Have you heard this before? The above is a direct quote from the television show, 7 Brides Who Portray the Bride of Christ, Christ in Prophecy, but sadly it’s nothing new. I’ve heard it before.

Do you desire a relationship with Jesus?

A few ways you can actually build a relationship with Jesus:

  • Go to Church – to learn, to sing, to fellowship with Jesus and other believers.
  • Follow God’s set of rules. In John 14:15, Jesus said, If you love me, keep my Commandments. A good place to start is Exodus 20, with the Ten Commandments you’ve heard your whole life.

Relationships take time, but just as in any relationship, be careful where and from whom you get your advice.



They say Christianity isn’t about following rules. That’s religion not relationship.

They say Christianity isn’t about attending Church services. That’s religion not relationship.

They say Christianity isn’t about doing good deeds. That’s religion not relationship.

They redefine religion, so millenials and Gen Z can feel more comfortable doing what they desire.

My relationship with Christ is built on things labeled religion. My relationship with Christ is keeping his Commandments. My relationship with Christ is fellowship and worship at a local Church. My relationship with Christ is good deeds and works. My relationship with Jesus is living out my Christianity. It is my religion.

Christian, Inspirational

A Day to Worship

I just watched an Adventist show, Beyond the Search, promoting the worship of the Lord on Saturday. I largely agreed with it, especially with the historical investigation on how a counterfeit Sunday took it’s place.

So what day should I worship? Is it Saturday or is it Sunday?

My answer is: wouldn’t it be nice if we met to worship the Lord seven days a week? And kept the Sabbath? The Sabbath is actually to be celebrated Friday eve to Saturday eve. Leviticus 23:32. If you ever desired to keep the Sabbath, a perfect keeping is described in Isaiah 58:13-14.

I was once interested in joining the Amish. I read an article where an Amish writer said if you want to live as the Amish do – go ahead and do so. You don’t need to come and join an Amish community. What’s my point? You don’t need to join the Seventh Day Adventists to observe the Sabbath. If you wish to continue church services on Sunday, you can still honor the Lord by keeping his Sabbath on Saturday and worshipping on Sunday.
